Anna El-Khashem, soprano, Theodore Platt, baritone & Keval Shah, piano

Anna El-Khashem, soprano, Theodore Platt, baritone & Keval Shah, piano

Helsinki Sibelius-Akatemian konserttisali, Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 9


Hugo Wolf: Italienisches Liederbuch

Hugo Wolf’s Italian Songbook contains 46 delightfully written miniature portraits of people at different turns of love. There is happiness, sadness, anger, jealousy, big and small drama, quarrels and reconciliation with the beloved: the whole spectrum of human relationships! One could imagine the characters in the poems to be inhabitants of a small and very Italian village somewhere in Tuscany. Everyone knows each other, gossips, has a nice chat and, of course, intrigue!

Unfortunately Louise Alder has been taken ill. Soprano Anna El-Khashem has kindly stepped in on a very short notice. 

Theodore Platt, baritone

Keval Shah, piano 


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